[レビュー][旧記事] 第二言語教師研究の概説論文(Jourdenais, 2009; Tsui, 2011)



どちらも,Tredick (Ed.) (2005)所収の論文など,類似の論文に言及しながら第二言語教師研究の論点と課題を整理している。ただ,ページ数の違いにも表れているように,Tsui (2011)のほうがいかにもレビューらしい記述で,一般教育学的な教師教育研究の系譜も踏まえつつ論じている点で丁寧。「全体像」という点ではこちらの方が役に立つ。ただ,長い。言わんとしていることはどちらも同じという部分も少なくないので,「視点」という点ではJourdenais (2009)が端的で優れている。学生・院生がどちらを先に読むべきかの判断は難しい。SchönとかShulmanって誰?とか「正当的周辺参加」って何?という人は,ミネルヴァ書房のよくわかるシリーズなどで教育(方法)学や授業論の文献を参照しながら読むといいだろう。

Jourdenais (2009)は,

  • What Is “Teaching”?
  • The Training of Teachers
  • The Great Debate
  • The Need for Awareness
  • Bridging the Divide


… [T]eaching cannot be seen as “magic” that happens within an individual, a “craft”developed between teachers and their classrooms, nor is it a pre-determined body of knowledge to be imparted through academic coursework. Rather, teaching must be explored within the complexity of its social, intrapersonal, and interpersonal contexts (p. 648).

で,「省察的」(reflective)モデルが出てくるわけだが,Jourdenais (2009)は”… what teachers thinks and believe about their practices comprise key components in determining what their students do or do not learn.” (p. 649)という(Freeman and JohnsonやFreeman and Gravesの)知見を引きつつ,Hedgcock (2002)を引いて次のように釘を刺す。

Hedgcock (2002), too, is interested in the teacher-as-learner. However, he raises concerns about teacher education models which may focus heavily on teacher reflection. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between the more theoretical and the more experiential forms of teacher education in his call for a “socioliterate approach” to teacher education … (p. 649)

経験主義的に振り返れ振り返れと言うばかりではクルクルまわって困ってしまうばかりだから,尤もな指摘だ。一つ前の引用にも伺えるが,このHedgcock (2002)の”socioliterate approach” (to teacher education)というのがJourdenais (2009)の中核をなす概念だと言える。

で,教師教育におけるSLA理論の役割を巡って「理論と実践」のじゃんがじゃんがが繰り広げられてきたよ,というThe Great Debateの節が続く。そこからさらにThe Need for Awarenessの節では,コミュニカティブの流れで明示的な文法指導が軽視されたりもしたんだけど,表面的な言語知識では学習者が困っている時に役に立たなかったりするんで,運用能力と言語それ自体に意識的であることの両方が必要やね,という話を展開。Journadeis (2009)は,Wright (2002)が教師が持つべきだとして挙げているlanguage awarenessの3領域――user, analyst, teacher――にちゃんと焦点当てなあきまへんで!という立場:

Language teacher education must, therefore, focus on ways of assisting teachers with each of these three domains. It is not enough that teachers be successful users of the target language; nor is it sufficient that they understand how the language itself works. They must have a level of awareness of language that enables them to assess, analyze, and present it to learners in ways that will enhance acquisition (p. 652).

最終節では,理論と実践って”two sides of the same coin”なのよねーてな無駄にシャレオツな物言いを引きつつも,「理論と実践の区別というのは,本質的にはpersonal theoryとpublic theoriesの区別であり,あらゆる実践はなんらかのpersonal theoryに基づいておるのだ」という知見が提示される(Griffiths and Tann 1992)。Jourdenais (2009)の主張は,教師教育は,権威主義的に知識を押し付けるのではなく,public theoriesがpersonal theoryに組み込まれていく(のを支援する)ようにしなければならないというもの:

It is, in essence, this idea of public theories becoming “incorporated into personal theories” that drives Hedgcock’s (2002) sociocognitive approach to teacher education. Hedgcock (2002) argues that novice teachers need to develop skills which enable them to question, critique, and challenge the received knowledge of the field so that they might see these works “not as definitive or authoritative but as resources for constructing their own operational theories of classroom practice” (p.309) (p.653).


Tsui (2011)は,

  • Review Focus
  • Important Developments and Trends
    • Emergence of L2 Teacher Education as a Field of Inquiry
  • Theoretical Underpinning and Knowledge Base of L2 Teacher Education
  • Major Research Strands
    • Teacher Cognition
    • Teacher Knowledge
      • The Nature of Teacher Knowledge
      • Teacher Knowledge Domains: Subject Matter Knowledge and Teacher Language Awareness
      • Teacher Learning and Teachers’ Professional Development
        • Teachers as Reflective Practitioners
        • Teachers as Researchers
        • Teaching Expertise
  • Teacher Identity
  • Issues for Future Research
    • Pedagogic Content Knowledge of L2 Teachers
    • Teacher and Learner Knowledge and Beliefs
    • Student Learning


Jourdenais (2009)のまとめで疲れてしまったので,詳細は…気が向いたら。



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